Helicopters land at CN Tower in G20 exercise
Downtown Toronto got a taste of security preparation for the upcoming G20 summit Tuesday morning as two military helicopters completed a test flight around the Metro Toronto Convention Centre before landing in front of the CN Tower.
The CH-146 Griffon helicopters were spotted at about 9 a.m. circling the area above the convention centre, which will play host to the international meeting in June.
Canadian Forces Sgt. Maj. Sylvain Gallant said the flight was to test the capability of the landing area between the CN Tower and the convention centre.
The helicopters were flown in from CFB Borden, looping around the convention centre, the CN Tower, and nearby condos before landing on a stretch of grass on the south side of the CN Tower.
After the landing, witnesses reported seeing men wearing black suits getting out of the helicopters and walking towards the centre.
Gallant said the exercise included practice in transporting VIPs to the site.
A handful of Toronto police officers were also on site during the exercise.
Source:The Toronto Star
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