Questions surround Midwest raids against “militia” groups

Monday, March 29, 2010 , Posted by TJ at 8:46 AM

I found this article on a website that states they are "Investigating threats to our homeland"
Northeast Intellegence Network

29 March 2010: An army of federal, state and local law enforcement agents conducted coordinated raids in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio over the weekend, arresting at least three men on gun charges. Initial reports and details leading to the raids remain sketchy, but it has been verified that the raids focused on domestic “militia” groups, including one fundamentalist Christian organization that openly prepared and trained for a biblical “end-times” scenario. According to published reports, at least one raid was aimed at Hutaree, an apparent Christian survivalist organization. Their website proclaims their mission, in part, is “preparing for the end time battles to keep the testimony of Jesus Christ alive.”

Law enforcement sources contacted by this author have been extremely tight-lipped about the raids, stating that the investigation and search for others is continuing. The arrest warrants and other relevant documents will remain under federal seal at least until later today.

Reports have surfaced that alleges at least one member of Hutaree had made “threats of violence against Islamic organizations,” although the origin of these allegations are unclear. During the raids, it was reported that a member of Hutaree contacted a leader of the unrelated Michigan militia for assistance, but such assistance was denied. Two separate sources providing information to this author claim that the member of the Michigan militia who was contacted during the raid turned out to be a Muslim member who has been working with federal officials.

The raids against the militias, including the Christian survivalist organization, were conducted in the wake of our March 25th report that disclosed a shift of focus by federal authorities onto domestic groups that allegedly pose a threat to domestic security. We will have more detailed information on the raids as it becomes available. We are also monitoring the response of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) as unconfirmed reports indicate that the leaders from the Michigan chapter and their Washington, DC headquarters are reportedly being briefed by high-level federal officials in advance of public disclosures relating to the raids.

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